YA REHMAN The people who are not eager to walk on religious path, they should recite this name 100 times after NAMAZ. It kicks away anger and agony. It helps kids who don’t like to study. 698 time recitation of this name after FAJAR prayer will be very helpful for...

ISM-E-AZAM YA ALLAH This is a PRONOUN and it is a comprehensive detail of all the names of Allah. If someone recites YA-ALLAH 100 times and you will get benefits like, “affection of a Woman”, “Calmness of Heart” and it can give you whatever you want within 40 days....

YA SALAM YA SALAM This name is written with ALAF and without ALAF. The recitation of this name will protect you from bad deeds. Recite this after FAJAR and become intelligent. The fame, wealth and blessings also come by this n...

YA RAHEEM Hazrat ALI (RA) said, “Recite this name 658 times daily and get a perfect end, the journey of SARAAT and QABAR will be eased”. For forgiveness recite ALLAH, REHMAN, or RAHEEM as much as you could. It also brings richne...

ISM-E-AZAM YAA HOO It is a name of Allah. The great researcher of ISM-E-AZAM wrote that this is the most precious one. It is the first of the all. If someone recites this name 29 times, the fire of hell will be forbidden for him and his heart will be calmer. Muhammad...

ISM-E-AZAM of Muhammad This mystery is also solved by AMAM AHL-E-SUNNAT. His highness answered to a questionnaire, “sir, Allah blessed me a nephew; please give me an historical name for him. ALAHAZRAT replied, “why a historical name, give him the name which is ...

The Greatest Name (ISM-E-AZAM)I am probably not the best explicator of the subject, but I certainly did read the great Islamic writers and SUFIS. According to my study every name of almighty Allah is the ISM-E-AZAM. The greats have also said that don’t consider the 99...

Cancer Horoscope 2012Your ruling planet Moon will help you to resolve existing problems by evolving some healthy formula to lead a successful life. It is the time to satisfy your positive desires and to make sure that success comes through bold initiatives. Mercury and...

Aries  Horoscope 2012Your ruling planet Mars being in the sixth house of your chart, will bring health improvements from 1st July to 3rd July. You can get a desired job in the meantime. The matters related to your life partner and colleagues will draw your keen...

Aquarius  Horoscope 2012Your ruling planet Saturn will stay in 9th house of your birth chart, it will aid you in attaining higher education. Your co-ruling Saturn’s stay in 3rd house of your birth chart from 1st to 13th July will help you to avail the cooperative...

Virgo Horoscope 2012From 1-15 July, your ruling planet will stay in the 12th house of your birth chart. This aspect will invite negative energies, so beware. On the other hand, under the influence of retrograde Mercury from 16-31 July, your interest in science and literature...

Taurus  Horoscope 2012  Your ruling planet Venus will be moving in the house of money during this month, you are advised to minimize your expenditure and try to get timely financial advantages from others. On 4th and 15th July, under the influence of Sextile...

Your ruling planet Mars will be staying in the 11th house from 1st to 3rd July—this aspect will develop leadership qualities as well as enhance your social circle. From 4th to 31st July, Mars will improve discipline in your mundane life. Meanwhile, your co-ruling planet...

Sagittarius Horoscope 2012 Your ruling planet Jupiter will stay in the 7th house of your chart, it will help you to wisely tie conjugal knot that will be bringing happiness and financial benefits for you. You will learn how to adjust in your current circumstances....

Pisces  Horoscope 2012Your ruling planet Jupiter’s stay in 4th house of your birth chart will make your family affairs of extra ordinary importance. On the other hand, it will be useful to be flexible in your conjugal life. Strategically, seriously look forward...

Libra Horoscope 2012 Being your ruling planet, Venus will encourage mental growth, love for poetry and interest in literature. Venus’s strong position in the house will strengthen practicality and adventurous endeavors. The influence of Mars in 11th house warns...

Leo Horoscope 2012  Your ruling planet Sun will be moving in the twelfth house of chart from 1st July until 22 July. There would be some gnawing tensions from possible conflicts between you and higher authorities. You will suffer in alienation and non-cooperative...

Capricorn  Horoscope 2012Saturn rules your birth chart, it going to enrich enormous confidence, undefeatable courage and unwavering ambitiousness in you in the month of July. Your sense of discipline and arrangement will bloom under the influence of Saturn. People...

Gemini Horoscope2012Being in the third house of your chart, your ruling planet Mercury will be in a stable position from 1st until 15th July. It will increase your interests in educational affairs and passion for travel and entertainment will be rekindled. From 16th...